This is the tutorial schedule:

  1. Beego Framework Tutorials - 1 - Introduction to Beego

    slide: Introduction to beego

  2. Beego Framework Tutorials - 2 - Router (part 1 of 3)

    slide: Router Processor function/method

  3. Beego Framework Tutorials - 2 - Router URI Patterns (part 2 of 3)

    slide: Router RUI Patterns

  4. Beego Framework Tutorials - 2 - Router Namespace (part 3 of 3)

    slide: Router Namespace

  5. Beego Framework Tutorials - 3 - Configuration Parameters

    slide: Configuration Parameters

  6. Beego Framework Tutorials - 4 - Create a Web API Application in One
    Minute in Beego

    blog: Building Web API with Auto Generated API Document Support