Get in touch

There are several ways to get in touch:

More options:

  • Sina Weibo: @asta谢
  • Beego developer QQ Group: 258969317(Be sure that you contributed before you ask to join)


Sharing what you have built with beego is a great way to help people understand the value of beego. If you have a great story to tell we'll be happy to help you spread the word.

  • Tell your story at a company tech talk, tweet (#beego, @beego) present at your local user group, or submit a talk proposal to a conference or event about how you are using beego.
  • If you are using beego, in production, become a public reference.
  • Write a tutorial.


An Open Source project like beego couldn’t exist without contributions from the developer community. Until now, there are over 35 contributors and nearly 410 forks on the project.

  • Take a look at our issues list and consider submitting a patch
  • Review our roadmap on GitHub and provide feedback
  • Consider contributing.

We run the documentation as an open source project. The sources are available from the main beedoc repository on Github, and we encourage you to make improvements, whether big or small, make a pull request.

What people have already built using beego

Beego is a powerful framework for many different use cases. Here are some great early use cases for beego, as described by members of our community.

Use Cases Examples Links
Documentation server Go Walker - a web server that generates Go projects API documentation with source code on the fly.
API services 360 search API service for Youdao, tens of millions requests level.
Bmob mobile cloud API service, more than 50 million requests every day.
Weico 3 backend API service.
Blogs Sudo China - multiple users blog system
Communities Very Hour - social network
Enterprise websites I Beautys
Flipkart - Image Delivery Web Server which resizes images and works as a fallback to CDN Git Hub
Singulerp - ERP Subscription based Cloud ERP for Manufacturing Industry.
Add your use case